% 7.04 (***) Arithmetic puzzle: Given a list of integer numbers, % find a correct way of inserting arithmetic signs such that % the result is a correct equation. The idea to the problem % is from Roland Beuret. Thanx. % Example: With the list of numbers [2,3,5,7,11] we can form the % equations 2-3+5+7 = 11 or 2 = (3*5+7)/11 (and ten others!). % equation(L,LT,RT) :- L is the list of numbers which are the leaves % in the arithmetic terms LT and RT - from left to right. The % arithmetic evaluation yields the same result for LT and RT. equation(L,LT,RT) :- split(L,LL,RL), % decompose the list L term(LL,LT), % construct the left term term(RL,RT), % construct the right term LT =:= RT. % evaluate and compare the terms % term(L,T) :- L is the list of numbers which are the leaves in % the arithmetic term T - from left to right. term([X],X). % a number is a term in itself % term([X],-X). % unary minus term(L,T) :- % general case: binary term split(L,LL,RL), % decompose the list L term(LL,LT), % construct the left term term(RL,RT), % construct the right term binterm(LT,RT,T). % construct combined binary term % binterm(LT,RT,T) :- T is a combined binary term constructed from % left-hand term LT and right-hand term RT binterm(LT,RT,LT+RT). binterm(LT,RT,LT-RT). binterm(LT,RT,LT*RT). binterm(LT,RT,LT/RT) :- RT =\= 0. % avoid division by zero % split(L,L1,L2) :- split the list L into non-empty parts L1 and L2 % such that their concatenation is L split(L,L1,L2) :- append(L1,L2,L), L1 = [_|_], L2 = [_|_]. % do(L) :- find all solutions to the problem as given by the list of % numbers L, and print them out, one solution per line. do(L) :- equation(L,LT,RT), writef('%w = %w\n',[LT,RT]), fail. do(_). % Try the following goal: ?- do([2,3,5,7,11]).