% 4.16a (**) A string representation of binary trees % The string representation has the following syntax: % % ::= | % % ::= | '(' ',' ')' % % According to this syntax, a leaf node (with letter x) could % be represented by x(,) and not only by the single character x. % However, we will avoid this when generating the string % representation. tree_string(T,S) :- nonvar(T), !, tree_to_string(T,S). tree_string(T,S) :- nonvar(S), string_to_tree(S,T). tree_to_string(T,S) :- tree_to_list(T,L), atom_chars(S,L). tree_to_list(nil,[]). tree_to_list(t(X,nil,nil),[X]) :- !. tree_to_list(t(X,L,R),[X,'('|List]) :- tree_to_list(L,LsL), tree_to_list(R,LsR), append(LsL,[','],List1), append(List1,LsR,List2), append(List2,[')'],List). string_to_tree(S,T) :- atom_chars(S,L), list_to_tree(L,T). list_to_tree([],nil). list_to_tree([X],t(X,nil,nil)) :- char_type(X,alpha). list_to_tree([X,'('|List],t(X,Left,Right)) :- char_type(X,alpha), append(List1,[')'],List), append(LeftList,[','|RightList],List1), list_to_tree(LeftList,Left), list_to_tree(RightList,Right).