% 4.15 (***) Layout a binary tree (3) % % See problem 4.13 for the conventions. % % The position of a node v is obtained by the following rules: % (1) y(v) is equal to the depth of the node v in the tree % (2) in order to determine the horizontal positions of the nodes we % construct "contours" for each subtree and shift them together % horizontally as close as possible. However, we maintain the % symmetry in each node; i.e. the horizontal distance between % a node and the root of its left subtree is the same as between % it and the root of its right subtree. % % The "contour" of a tree is a list of terms c(Xleft,Xright) which % give the horizontal position of the outermost nodes of the tree % on each level, relative to the root position. In the example % given in the problem description, the "contour" of the tree with % root k would be [c(-1,1),c(-2,0),c(-1,1)]. Note that the first % element in the "contour" list is derived from the position of % the nodes c and m. % layout_binary_tree3(T,PT) :- PT is the "positionned" binary % tree obtained from the binary tree T. (+,?) :- ensure_loaded(p4_04). % for test layout_binary_tree3(nil,nil) :- !. layout_binary_tree3(T,PT) :- contour_tree(T,CT), % construct the "contour" tree CT CT = t(_,_,_,Contour), mincont(Contour,MC,0), % find the position of the leftmost node Xroot is 1-MC, layout_binary_tree3(CT,PT,Xroot,1). contour_tree(nil,nil). contour_tree(t(X,L,R),t(X,CL,CR,Contour)) :- contour_tree(L,CL), contour_tree(R,CR), combine(CL,CR,Contour). combine(nil,nil,[]). combine(t(_,_,_,CL),nil,[c(-1,-1)|Cs]) :- shift(CL,-1,Cs). combine(nil,t(_,_,_,CR),[c(1,1)|Cs]) :- shift(CR,1,Cs). combine(t(_,_,_,CL),t(_,_,_,CR),[c(DL,DR)|Cs]) :- maxdiff(CL,CR,MD,0), DR is (MD+2)//2, DL is -DR, merge(CL,CR,DL,DR,Cs). shift([],_,[]). shift([c(L,R)|Cs],S,[c(LS,RS)|CsS]) :- LS is L+S, RS is R+S, shift(Cs,S,CsS). maxdiff([],_,MD,MD) :- !. maxdiff(_,[],MD,MD) :- !. maxdiff([c(_,R1)|Cs1],[c(L2,_)|Cs2],MD,A) :- A1 is max(A,R1-L2), maxdiff(Cs1,Cs2,MD,A1). merge([],CR,_,DR,Cs) :- !, shift(CR,DR,Cs). merge(CL,[],DL,_,Cs) :- !, shift(CL,DL,Cs). merge([c(L1,_)|Cs1],[c(_,R2)|Cs2],DL,DR,[c(L,R)|Cs]) :- L is L1+DL, R is R2+DR, merge(Cs1,Cs2,DL,DR,Cs). mincont([],MC,MC). mincont([c(L,_)|Cs],MC,A) :- A1 is min(A,L), mincont(Cs,MC,A1). layout_binary_tree3(nil,nil,_,_). layout_binary_tree3(t(W,nil,nil,_),t(W,X,Y,nil,nil),X,Y) :- !. layout_binary_tree3(t(W,L,R,[c(DL,DR)|_]),t(W,X,Y,PL,PR),X,Y) :- Y1 is Y + 1, Xleft is X + DL, layout_binary_tree3(L,PL,Xleft,Y1), Xright is X + DR, layout_binary_tree3(R,PR,Xright,Y1). % Test (see example given in the problem description): % ?- construct([n,k,m,c,a,e,d,g,u,p,q],T),layout_binary_tree3(T,PT).